Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

50 who won't be at the party

Iraq Coalition Casualties 50 US troops have died this month alone in Iraq. It’s shaping up […]

Yeah, these guys are really going to party, getting to stay in Iraq even longer

Boston.com / News / Nation / US may extend the stay of 15,000 troops in Iraq […]

Forget the war, let's have a party!

Cheney to Dial Up a Party (washingtonpost.com) “I hope you’ll be participating in National Party for […]

Isn't 60% good enough?

Powell Calls U.S. Casualties ‘Disquieting’ (washingtonpost.com) This is Bush’s 33rd visit to his ranch since becoming […]

Will DeLay be indicted? We'd be delighted!

WorkingForChange-The death of democracy Molly Ivins You may be wondering why House Majority Leader Tom DeLay […]

Why can't our president say things like this?

:: John Kerry for President – Welcome to JohnKerry.com! :: “I want to honor the sacrifice […]

Just another day…

Not finding much to blog about today. I couldn’t stand to watch Condi’s testimony, and it […]

Counterterrorism Staff Exodus

Yahoo! News – U.S. Terrorism Policy Spawns Steady Staff Exodus Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the […]

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | David Clark: The war on terror misfired. Blame it all […]

Lighting the fuse….

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US bombards Iraq mosque complex A US air strike has […]