Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Winning hearts and minds in Fallujah

BreakingNews.ie: Rocket attack kills 26 in Iraq Iraqi militants and rebellious Shiites challenged the US-led occupation […]

I've got a bad feeling about this…

CNN.com – Sources: Al-Sadr supporters take over Najaf – Apr 6, 2004 Supporters of maverick Muslim […]

National Embarrassment

Unemployed Philosophers Guild Online Everyone should link to national embarrassment and create yet another google bomb…

9/11 preventable?

Leaders of 9/11 Panel Say Attacks Were Probably Preventable The leaders of the independent commission investigating […]

Shiite uprising heating up

Violent Disturbances in Iraq From Baghdad to Southern Cities Iraq was wracked today by its most […]

Only the right wing is allowed to have a conspiracy!

In the Heat of the Campaign (washingtonpost.com) AN UNPRECEDENTED criminal enterprise designed to impermissibly affect a […]

Powell admits doubts about Iraq intelligence

Powell Expresses Doubts About Basis for Iraqi Weapons Claim (washingtonpost.com) Secretary of State Colin L. Powell […]

Go, Nancy!

Yahoo! News – Planned Bush-Cheney Appearance Criticized House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says it’s baffling and […]


MSNBC – ‘The Wizard of Oz Letter’ This was the week the curtain got pulled back […]

Stonewall Bush – The Mystery Deepens

The Mystery Deepens The Bush administration’s handling of the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 tragedy grows […]