Just another day…

Not finding much to blog about today. I couldn’t stand to watch Condi’s testimony, and it certainly doesn’t sound as if she added any new or interesting information beyond, “Hey, we weren’t paying attention to that.” Gee, I wonder what she thought being a national security advisor meant?

Anyway, Iraq seems to be becoming an even bigger mess, if that is possible, and they don’t seem to have a clue how to handle that either. It’s sad watching more and more troops being killed, and they won’t even do them the honor of letting their parents see their kids be brought back as heroes, they are just bodies stuffed out of site in their “transfer tubes”. God, now there’s a terrible term. At least “body bag” had the decency to recognize a body was inside.

Well, my life is good – have a golden at my feet, a kitty sunning in the window and San Diego finally cleared up and had a beautiful afternoon. I’ve been playing in the garden planting new little baby tomato plants and chasing the golden out of the garden. Took the older boy to the doctor for his headaches he’s had the last week and the youngest has been home sick two days now with a head full of crud, but it’s one of the rare times they’ve been sick. Had a friend visit and bring me a little gift today, so that was nice.

Time to feed the dog and then wander the net looking for something interesting…


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