Forget the war, let's have a party!

Cheney to Dial Up a Party (

“I hope you’ll be participating in National Party for the President Day on April 29th,” said an e-mail bearing the vice president’s signature. “I will be joining thousands of parties across the country on a live conference call to talk about the clear choice voters face this November and the importance of the grass-roots effort that will lead us to victory.”

They don’t give a shit about Iraq or anything else, only that they are allowed to continue screwing up as many countries as possible.

And what is this “re-elected” bullshit? They weren’t elected in the first place, the Supreme Court voted them into office. Yeah, well, we were all just supposed to get over that, right? And get over 9/11, and Iraq, and the screwed up economy… hey, that’s all in the past, let’s have a party!


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