Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Off to Vancouver!

Every Year the Salmon Come Back; silkscreen by Robert Davidson. Photo: Haida Gwaii Museum at Qay’llnagaay […]

AA Statement Re: The Path to 9/11 on ABC-TV

American Airlines Statement Regarding The Path to 9/11 on ABC-TV: Financial News – Yahoo! Finance American […]

Disney exploits Chinese workers

Lying to the world about 9-11, abusing Chinese workers. Bad, bad mouse. The Standard – China’s […]

The official true story of the cold war

As long as we’re making cartoon versions of history…. The cold war was fought between the […]

To the dead, we owe only the truth

skippy the bush kangaroo ‘To the dead we owe only the truth’ It is not about […]

Chris Mooney in La Jolla

We went to see Chris at his book signing in La Jolla this evening, and really […]

No On 85 » The Facts

Let’s not turn doctors into cops and force girls to go to back-alley abortionists again. If […]

There's a reason we call things "Mickey Mouse"…

Sorry for the lack of posts. I’m having way too much fun following the Disney-ABC 9/11 […]