No On 85 » The Facts

Let’s not turn doctors into cops and force girls to go to back-alley abortionists again. If you can’t talk to your parents about sex already, you surely don’t want your doctor calling and telling them you’re pregnant!

Sigh. How many times do we have to fight this battle for control of OUR OWN BODIES?

Young women of California, get out there and VOTE. Get registered HERE.

No On 85 » The Facts

While many parents rightly want to be involved in their teenage daughters’ lives, in the real world, some teens can’t go to their parents – a major reason why Proposition 85 is wrong for California. Also:

Good family communication cannot be imposed by government.

When laws make teenagers choose between talking with parents or having illegal and unsafe abortions, some will delay critical medical care, turn to self-induced or illegal back-alley abortions, or even consider suicide.

Doctors, nurses, and teachers strongly oppose proposition 85.

Supporters of Prop 85 – including the Traditional Values Coalition, Evangelicals for Social Action and Right to Life of Central California – are the same people who want to overturn Roe v. Wade and ban all abortions.

The real answer to teen pregnancy is prevention and strong, caring families – not new laws that endanger vulnerable young women.


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