Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

The sad, short life of Darwin's toy

Remember this? It now looks like this: No, I don’t even know what happened to the […]

Sick puppy

My golden love Chance had to go to the vet today. He seems to have caught […]

Time to Go, Gonzo

What does it say about our country when the Attorney General can’t be trusted to follow […]

Thanks, Melba!

The marvelous Melba has sent me one of her lovely hand-made boxes for the

Break the Chains

Katie Sandwina, billed as the world’s strongest woman, preparing to break a chain over her thigh, […]

Good News

The baby birds in the nest under the eaves have survived the patio cover repair. Their […]

Note to Farah: Your box is on its way!

Hi Farah – your box for the Create a Connection swap is on its way! Photo […]

How to lose weight fast!

How to lose all the weight you want — fast!. Via Neatorama.

Noisy Day

We’re having our back patio cover repaired this week, and today they’re stripping off the termite-damaged […]