Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Darwin's cousin

This is Darwin’s cousin, Pentu(Finnish for cub/puppy). Isn’t she adorable? She’s three months old. Her mom, […]

Darwin's Growing Pains

Poor Darwin. He’s got growing pains…. Growing Pains: Osteochondrosis, Ununited Anconeal Process, Fragmented Coronoid Process, Panosteitis […]

I'm confused…

So then, Roger Ailes says Fox News is the same as Al Qaeda? Well that explains […]

Holy CRAP!

Better stock up on the gas peeps – we’re in for a bumpy ride…. wow – […]

Why I want to train Darwin as a therapy dog

Stories like this one a friend sent me today: Hi friends – I would like to […]

And this is different from what Bush does – how?

These people truly have no sense of irony. Administration Rebukes Putin on His Policies – New […]

Why there are laws against strangling your children

Greg at 8:45 : “I guess I need a binder for my senior project write-up”. Me: […]

Poor little white male patriarchy

The Democratic Party Near the end of the video, there was this exchange: Bill O’Reilly: But […]