Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Mother's Day Proclamation

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers. One of my own greatest fears as a mother […]

Darwin loves his new toy!

We took Darwin to the off-leash play group last night that his trainer, Joella runs. It’s […]

Cast a Shadow

“Unnecessary dieting is because everything from television and fashion ads have made it seem wicked to […]

All We Need

“We already have everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips we […]

You Can Own an Integer Too!

I haz a integer!!! AF 8D 70 E6 EA 08 F7 E8 57 32 29 E1 […]

Sweet days of Summer… (repost)

… the jasmine’s in bloom! For those who don’t remember Seals and Crofts, Summer Breeze is […]

Greensburg is gone; its future, unknown

Is this what the future of climate change will bring us? How many more towns will […]

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

A truly rare sight – me in make up (not that you can tell, which is […]

This is where cheap Chinese crap comes from

I save a lot of money by not buying things marked “Made in China”. If I […]