Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Walt Whitman's world

“Leaves of Grass” 150 years old today…. Walt Whitman’s world – The Boston Globe Whitman called […]


Hullabaloo The public is much more likely to see this Plame leak for what it was. […]


La Mitad del Mundo “the middle of the world” Those who attain the middle Dominate the […]

The Immoral Relativists of the Bush Administration

TomDispatch – Tomgram: The Immoral Relativists of the Bush Administration For at least 30 years now, […]

So, what is bipolar disorder?

Desire — Justin Simoni That was no beast that stirred, That was my heart you heard […]

Can I get an Amen?

Pharyngula The sacred pieties of these “God-centered Jews and Christians” reduce the meaning of a human […]

Volunteer your own damn kids before you ask for mine…

Tell you what, Dubya – send Barbara and Jenna right over, if you believe in your […]


Clarence Finley Boulter No. No. No. This ruins a child. Children are one of the most […]

Those who don't feel this Love – Rumi

Ode 314 Those who don’t feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don’t […]

Meme me me me ….

Onanism Today tagged me with this most excellent meme, and as I just got back in […]