

The public is much more likely to see this Plame leak for what it was. A cover-up by smear and intimidation. And it looks much more serious in this new light. Here’s how I would update it:

The Bush administration lied about its reasons for the war in Iraq. When a critic stepped up to expose one of the lies the Whitehouse blew his wife’s identity as an undercover CIA agent. They did this to exact revenge against what they saw as a political enemy and to intimidate those who would further expose the administration, potentially endangering both lives and intelligence operations around the world.

Indeed. And endangering the rest of us as well by creating in Iraq a new terrorist training camp, with real casualties instead of imagined ones. Bush has a lot to answer for, and it is time the public and the law took him to task for it.

These people still think they are above the law, and that is the greatest problem with the Republican party these days. It’s not just the incompetence and the lying – it’s the arrogance of believing, as a party, that they are somehow better than the rest of us, and entitled to do and say whatever they please with no consequences.

It must end, now.


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