Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

What happened to spring?

My freesias are blooming and it’s 90 frickin’ degrees outside!! What the hell happened to spring?!


(No, we’re not talking about Spanish appetizers, kids…) Self-discipline burns away impurities and kindles the sparks […]

Last chance to see…

… those bits at the end of Darwin’s belly. Darwin is off to the vet to […]

I hate the television

Seems like whenever the hubby is home, the TV is on. I hate it. I really […]

Darwin at the San Diego Golden Meetup!

We took Darwin to the San Diego Golden Retriever Meetup today. We had a really good […]

Weighing in

One nice benefit of fasting for my medical tests today – it makes these numbers look […]

Note to self

When you’re itching with hives from taking a medication with polyethylene glycol in it, make sure […]

Not long enough…

Please – just move to your new home in Paraguay already, Dubya. We don’t want you […]

Victory to Our Spirits, Peace to All Beings

I awoke this morning and came out to find Darwin tearing up my copy of “Meditations […]


As a result of contentment, one gains supreme happiness. — Yoga sutras We can easily practice […]