This is my day today – a chaotic, unplanned, course of events, one after the other.
So I was in the midst of this wonderful dream, in bed with an old boyfriend, awakened by the dogs, barking their heads off. A friend who trims our trees for us had shown up, announced, to trim them today. So dealt with that. Another friend asks me to record a quicktime movie for him on CD. No problem, usually, but today, it takes several hours and two computers (I finally gave up on the PC and did it on my Mac laptop – thank GOD for Macs! A poor kid with obvious mental handicaps stops by while delivering phone books and wants to talk to me because he liked my bumper stickers. Sweet kid, and I’ve dealt with my nephew enough that I’m used to this kind of thing. My hairdryer doesn’t work – I have to reset the ground fault interruptor. Everything today, down to the smallest details, is on reset, do-overs, try it agains, unplanned, unexpected changes of course.
This is how I feel today – this picture with its angry colors, chaotic move, everything in flux and flow.
So, now I’m off to an appointment with my shrink. I really hope I make it, because I really need it!
2 Responses
Um, sorry about the interrupted dream, glad you like macs (not I, but my stepdaughter is absolutely in love with hers), getting lost in your chaos of today, you should hear how my wife’s trips to the vets (two multiples there) went today….and damned if that picture makes a bit of sense to me unless chaos is the point which it must be ’cause your day sounds like it.
Haaauummmm….. calm blue ocean. calm blue ocean.
I hope your day ended well.
Isn’t it amazing how real dreams like that can feel?