More in the "why I don't wear makeup" series

Age Intervention Mascara?! Good grief….

Potentially harmful cosmetic eye product seized | Health |

U.S. marshals on Friday seized 12,682 applicator tubes of a cosmetic called Age Intervention Eyelash, which may harm some users’ vision, the Food and Drug Administration said.

The product, promoted as increasing eyelash growth, is sold and distributed by San Jose, California-based Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc., which did not return a phone call seeking comment.

The FDA said it considered the product “adulterated” and potentially dangerous to certain people, including those with elevated pressure inside the eye.

It said the sales value of the seized tubes was about $2 million and the marshals acted at FDA request.

Consumers, dermatologists and beauticians who may still have Age Intervention Eyelash should discontinue using it and discard it, FDA said.

It recommended consumers consult health care providers if they have experienced any problems they suspect are related to the product’s use.

More at the Consumerist.


4 Responses

  1. Oh my God.

    As a side note I was watching a movie from the sixties yesterday and in it a woman pulled one of those little cases of mascara they used to make-the ones with a tiny brush and a small cake of solid mascara inside- out of her purse . She then opened it, spit on the cake and smeared some of the wet mascara on the tiny brush and then brushed her eyelashes with it. It made me cringe, just like reading this news story did.

  2. Ew!

    I used to know people that would re-wet their contacts in their mouth. Always made me cringe.

    I hate eye infections – used to get pink eye occasionally when the kids were little – it really sucked.

    One of the best things about getting older, strangely enough, was getting cataracts in my 40s, because now I don’t need contacts and have about 20/40 vision in one eye and 20/30 in the other. Although the contact lenses likely contributed to the eye problems that led to the cataracts…

    The other good thing about getting older is not having to care how I look without makeup on. Although I probably always looked just fine without it anyway. I tend to find other women more attractive now if they aren’t wearing makeup. Models look like raccoons to me now.

  3. “I used to know people that would re-wet their contacts in their mouth.”

    Yeah, my mother worked in the office of a small lens maker when I was a kid and told me stories like that. The worst story was about a man who did not know he had strep throat and almost blinded himself when he did the same thing.

    “I tend to find other women more attractive now if they aren’t wearing makeup.”

    I think the same thing about older women. They are more beautiful without makeup on their faces. Without makeup their inner beauty seems to shine through.

  4. Yeah, but I think that about younger women now, too.

    It’s interesting – even when I’m watching someone like Keith Olbermann I keep thinking he has too much makeup on. I am always just wanting to see the “real” faces of those on television and in the magazines….

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