
My neighbor is having his big Italian stone pine removed from his yard today – this tree is huge, over 70 feet tall.

I hate my neighbor right now. I told him they should have just taken down the house, instead. I suppose I’ll get over it, eventually, but not today.

I have watched the moon rise through this tree, watched the stars and planets above its branches, and often sat in my front yard admiring its beauty, watching the hawks settle into its branches.

Oh well. Goodbye to a beautiful tree friend of mine for over 20 years. Sigh. Tears…


6 Responses

  1. Wow, now if you can get them to tear down the house you would have a better view of downtown Poway.

    Too bad that the tree didn’t attack the house.

  2. Well, the tree was attacking the house – it tore up the water lines on a regular basis, the driveway, and was about ready to eat the foundation. That’s why ttrey took it down.

    But a tree that gorgeous, I dunno, that’s worth more to me than a house. If I had the money I might have bought the house and torn it down. ;^) Heck, we could use a nice little neighborhood park…

  3. What a terrible shame. To see it cut up like that!! It’s like witnessing a murder. I can understand why they had to do it, but… what a terrible shame.

  4. My condolences on the loss of your leafed companion. What a sad thing to see. I recall a moment when I found out they were cutting down a bonsai-like pine tree in our front yard that was infested with bees. I would have stuck with the bees… and in the case of the pine vs house, I would definitely have rooted for the tree. (The bad pun was completely unintentional, I swear.)

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