Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Feminists are sexy

More in the “well, duh!” series. Of course women who value themselves and take care of […]

More in the "why I don't wear makeup" series

Age Intervention Mascara?! Good grief…. Potentially harmful cosmetic eye product seized | Health | Reuters.com U.S. […]

Control vs Self-Control

Darwin and I were doing therapy work today at Gateway. Tomorrow we’re back at the Learning […]

The war toll you're not hearing about

Heartbreaking…. 120 US war veteran suicides a week | Herald Sun THE US military is experiencing […]

Prayers for Bangladesh….

These days certainly are way too much like the 70s. Let’s have more than a concert […]

Cyclone Sidr approaching Bangladesh

Sheril R. Kirshenbaum at The Intersection: On August 28, 2005, I had a sinking feeling in […]

One Red Flower

The one red flower in bloom in my yard today. Named, strangely enough — Donna Darlin’ […]

Collecting the Bones

Old Indian Woman, Edward S. Curtis, 1910 “Today the old woman inside you is collecting bones. […]

Al Gore is determined to fund the future

One way or another. The Supremes kept him from doing it as president, but this man […]

The Enormous Cost of NOT Going Green

OK, today I need a blog called What Devilstower Said. This is getting ridiculous. ;^) But […]