Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

More fun for the new year

My stepfather went into the hospital last night with an arterial blockage in his leg. Gonna […]

Today's Changes

Replaced light bulbs with Compact Fluorescents – on sale at Henry’s – a four pack for […]

Japanese New Year

Japanese New Year – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Typical nengajō greetings include: kotoshi mo yoroshiku o-negai-shimasu […]

A great start to the New Year

Well, I spent most of yesterday at the porcelain altar. Whether it was my sulfite intolerance […]

Living Green Below Your Means

While I do have an iPod, and bought my younger son one for Christmas, there are […]


Meet the New year, same as the old year. Let’s hope our individual lives are better […]


U.S. military deaths in Iraq reach 3,000 | Top News | Reuters.com 3,000

Happy Hogmanay!

Burning the Viking Longboats Hogmanay! Scotland’s favorite party! More on Hogmanay… Edinburgh Unfortunately looks like Glasgow’s […]

Enormous California Blogroll

Wow! Go to the link to check out all the great California progressive bloggers! Woo hoo! […]


Whenever you advise a ruler in the way of Tao, Counsel him not to use force […]