A great start to the New Year

Well, I spent most of yesterday at the porcelain altar. Whether it was my sulfite intolerance kicking in from the sulfites in the champagne or the sulfur dioxide in the pear cider (note to self – read labels….), a new mutation of the stomach bug going around, puppy germs, hypercalcemia or just too much alcohol, or my spine being out of whack and pinching vagal nerves around the T12 (which apparently causes stomach acids to go out of sync), I don’t know. Probably a dose of all of the above, unfortunately. But it was Not Fun. Google is My Friend, anyway. I learn stuff even when I’m sick and feel like crap. This site has tons of info on all kinds of things about nutrition. Just ignore the “spiritual” bullshit.

I’ve learned a few things that help – Pepto Bismol is good stuff, Gerolsteiner mineral water is awesome (and that link has almost everything you want to know about bottled water), Vitamin C is important, probiotics are important, mineral balance is important, and there’s this very cool stuff called Ultima replenisher which is great for getting electrolytes back in sync – I had samples of it from Henry’s. And oatmeal is good stuff, too. Especially with cinnamon. Organic, also from Henry’s, as was the Gerolsteiner. Gotta get more of that – I’m down to the Pellegrino right now.

I’m still not 100%, but I’m way better.

And my diet is off to a great start, however unintentionally. Feh.

Hope your New Year’s Day was better than mine. Anyone got any other good curatives for those stomach issues? Or good dieting tips? I’m doing sort of my own combination of South Beach/ Perricone prescription diet and mostly trying to get better foods into my diet. Probably do the low carb for a couple of weeks and then add back complex carbs. Keep out the simple carbs and sugars as much as I can. And lots of anti-inflammatory stuff, so I have a real problem with water retention due to how frigging high my estrogen levels are. Hey, I’m a curvy girl, always have been. But, the high blood pressure and all my other medical problems have simply got to go this year. And that means taking off a few pounds and inches. Sigh.

Oh, and now the youngest has it today. So I guess it is a tummy bug. Bleah.


9 Responses

  1. I’ve found real ginger beer to be soothing for an upset tummy. It’s a bit more expensive than mega-brand ginger ale, but it really does work! I’ve also heard that boiling a little fresh ginger for a tea and adding a little honey has the same effect.

  2. “curatives for those stomach issues?”

    I had food poisoning once which messed my internals seriously about, as a result I have a large bucket load of tips.

    For oatmeal: steel cut oats: soaked over night with a touch of vinegar to break the oats is a good tip. (remember to skim off the white froth that forms upon cooking also)

    Kombucha Tea is great

    I also make my own smoothies which use Kombucha Tea of all things with an Avacodo, a good brand of yogurt and then fruit to flavor which works nicely

    You might have fructose problems. causing symptoms similar to milk intolerance as it perforates the intestines. So items of apple, corn syrup and honey should be used with caution if this is the case

    also Ginger… its a great herb very helpful

    also white and green teas

    and finally miso soup is godly in helping balance the stomach

    and if you are Slavic like me… well then cabbage is the king of vegies and not to be shunned…

    it really is a complicated alchemy of mixing together what works, and that just takes time and practice and experimentation. everyone is so difference so finding someone else’s match which works for you can be problamatic

    and whats worse you cant always listen to your body since some things you eat to make you feel better are somethings the cause of a problem. For instance milk products actually cure some of the problems people experience, so people crave milk since it makes the body feel better at the worse points of the symptoms… crazy stuff all in all

  3. Feel for you on this. That tummy bug is going around town here. The hospital put up a sign telling visitor that due to all the cases of flu like symptoms no one but hospital workers, and immediate family are allowed inside the building until future notice.

  4. I stopped eating anything with sugar in it about a year ago. Mind you, I was really bad with sugar so for me it was a huge change. I did it and I cannot tell you how much better I feel, Dear One. I was VERY strict but I did not cut out fruit. I did stop drinking fruit juice however. I did not eat anything that had even honey or maple syrup (my fave). I have never been or felt healthier in my sugar-sodden life. My weakness is bread so unfortunately I have not lost much weight. Being a curvy girl as well, I know that I am overweight and really need to lose a few…well, more than a few. So…I say that if you cut out the sugar and watch your bread intake and limit carbs to only the very best quality that you can afford AND halve the quantities I think WE can do it. Hey, did I mention exercise? Good luck and may 2007 be better than you expect, eh?

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Yes, I hope 2007 is a good year. I think there are huge challenges to overcome in this year ahead, though. Getting my weight down is actually the least of my worries. ;^)

  6. Well, it certainly isn’t about looks. It’s about how I feel more than anything else. And I do want to feel fabulous, and that means taking better care of myself. I am much, much better physically today, but very distressed about my father-in-law being ill and the loss of a beautiful tree in our neighborhood. It seems weird to be upset over a tree, but I feel like I’ve lost a dear friend.

  7. On hangovers and upset tummies, I can do you one better. The Ultima Replenisher makes a great mixer with Vodka or Rum. So instead of fixing a hangover the next day, you’re actually preventing it in the first place!

    This really works!

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