Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Everyone wants to have written… and not to have read…

Lots more interesting statistics at this site, especially if you are a writer. Para Publishing – […]

The Rambling Taoist: Revisiting Was Jesus A Taoist?

The Rambling Taoist: Revisiting Was Jesus A Taoist? For the Taoist, spiritual peace is achieved by […]

Seeing the Light

One theory about artistic creation is that extraordinary artists come into this world with a different […]

The art in the everyday

Almond M&Ms. Colorful and tasty, too! Happy Valentines Day to all tomorrow…. Almond M&Ms are part […]

Artist's Way Meme

1. Four wishes dreams and desires 1.) I wish I had a crowd of great friends […]

Republican Disaster Sheep

ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES They are nice to count when you have trouble falling asleep. Like […]

Artist's Date

Had a fabulous artist’s date today – went to the Mingei Museum, several art galleries and […]

February Flowers

My first attempt at scanner art. These are only a part of what is in bloom […]

Weave your own Tartan

Create your own Tartan pattern here!

Knock Knock // Daily Affirmations

Knock Knock // Daily Affirmations Too fun. Since I never write my affirmations, maybe I need […]