Republican Disaster Sheep


They are nice to count when you have trouble falling asleep. Like sheep jumping over the fence in your mind, you can go: “Abramoff, Plame, Ohio rare coins, Katrina, illegal spying, The Governator, No Child Left Behind, Diebold, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo,…” I’m sure I forgot a few. None of these are of course as exciting as getting a blow job in the Oval Office, though all of them are much more serious.

Then of course you are wide awake, with your heart beating like that of a frightened wingnut fearing terrorists under the bed, and you have to get up. Except that most Americans don’t have this handly list for the insomniac moments, because so many media channels and writers are more interested in Dean’s scream and how the Democrats have no clear agenda. The “no clear agenda” point is like saying that it is you who are wrong when your temper-tantrum-throwing toddler threatens to burn the house down and you as the responsible parent point out that this might not be such a good idea. Only in America…

I often look at Republican voters like sheep, being led like dear little lambs to the slaughter. Honestly, if your income isn’t in the top two percent, you have no business voting for these people – they really couldn’t care less about your issues, only about increasing their wealth. The Bush family happens to specialize in making money off disasters, so they seemt o like creating them. It doesn’t matter what happens, they’ll find a way to get someone else to be blamed for it.

Well, only 40 percent of Americans left to wake up. But, I doubt most of those ever will. They’re too busy worriying about gay boogeymen jumping out of the closet at them.


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