February Flowers

My first attempt at scanner art. These are only a part of what is in bloom in my garden today. No, this is not a normal February – it was about 80 today in my part of San Diego! And dry… we are in La Nina – drought conditions this year, which means a huge fire season later on. But for now, we enjoy the flowers, the lovely weather, and the gloriousness of it all.

Sorry to be so quiet this week – there is a lot going on internally, and in my morning pages, but not a lot coming out yet. I’ve done very little art this week. I’m doing garden chores I normally don’t have to do this time of year, and just a lot of thinking things through. Sifting the bits in my head, deciding what to keep and what to toss, letting go of thoughts that just really aren’t doing me much good at all. Cleaning up, both mentally and physically.


5 Responses

  1. Donna,

    You aren’t alone… I’ve been having to spring clean my mind this week as well. Sometimes inspiration is there, but isn’t exactly reachable; too much chaos in the way, and we have to prioritize before creation. It can get pretty overwhelming otherwise. Just ride the waves… (or so I keep telling myself.)

  2. I resonate with what you have written here– somehow doing AW doesn’t translate well to blogging as so much of what is going on is deep, intangible and doesn’t make for good reading— but DOES make for good living!

  3. Overall, I think the blogging experience is a good one. However, like you, I sometimes feel almost guilty when I don’t post something each day. But we both know that there are days when we don’t feel the need nor urgency to write. We’re more in a contemplative space.

  4. I have been wanting to try scanner art. your flower is lovely.

    You have been tagged. I was tagged by greenishlady and I am passing on the artist way tag.

    You can find the meme on my site or on greenishlady’s site

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