Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

For Once, Then, Something

For Once, Then, Something Others taught me with having knelt at well-curbs Always wrong to the […]

Regrets… I've had a few…

“Oh, Lord, it is not the sins I have committed that I regret, but those which […]

Was he stinkin' drunk?

Badgers? We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers! A badger in Germany got so drunk on over-ripe […]

The sacred tortoise

As Chuang-tzu was fishing in the river P’u, two high officials arrived from the king of […]


A person does not have to join a group or be a wise leader to work […]

Terminator, Indeed

Next thing we know he’ll be telling us about Skynet or something…. way to go destroying […]


The Myth of rational thinking Greg Berns doesn’t want you to make a decision by yourself. […]


Life is Beauty, Terror, Knowledge. A crucial part of following Tao is seeking knowledge. All the […]

Headline of the Day…

Headline of the Day… Half of Americans Use Vibrators, Study Claims via Half of Americans Use […]

Walking softly

A good walker leaves no tracks; A good speaker makes no slips; A good reckoner needs […]