Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Take Action: Stand Up for South Dakota Women

(Logo via feministing via Daily Kos…) Follow the “Take Action” link to let these troglodytes know […]

How to treat service people

One of the most important guidance points in life I’ve come across lately is to love […]

How to Find the Work You Love

Just got the book How to Find the Work You Love from Paperbackswap and already finding […]

Cha Xiu Bao: Food for Petty Persons

Cha Xiu Bao: Food for Petty Persons In Chinese moon calendar, today earmark the day of […]

It's a Great Big Universe, and we're all really puny…

Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You – Secret Worlds: The Universe Within – Interactive Java Tutorial […]

Anyone need a copy of Artist's Way?

I have a Bookcrossing copy of Artist’s Way available to anyone who would like to read […]

The Art of Bloodletters

Via The Contemporary Taoist: The Art of Bloodletters You don’t exist. You just think you do. […]

Shame, shame, shame…

One down, oh, so, so, so many of these crooks and liars to go… SignOnSanDiego.com > […]

We are all so precious…

Coloring is FUN! And some old poems, just for fun. Hey, it’s Friday…. Friendship To you […]

NOLA, six months later

Scout at First Draft has posted a video that she made while in New Orleans: First […]