Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

half over or half started…

Is my life half over or half started? Sometimes I feel like my life is over, […]

christopher moore

Been reading a lot of Christopher Moore lately – an advance copy of Fluke loaned from […]

spider towel…

Nothing to wake you up in the morning like a spider joining you for your morning […]

Escondido Street Fair

Found a strawberry guava plant of all things at the Escondido Street Fair today after looking […]

what do I do…..

with my life with my days with my hours with me? What DO I do????????

taking time

perhaps what is most bothering me is being forced to take all this time that has […]

may gray all day today…

the may gray continues without a break it seems – more than I remember seeing in […]


Went to see Confidence – pretty good movie with some interesting plot twists and turns. Definitely […]

cool loneliness

Found this at Shambhala Sun Online today and it made a lot of sense to me: […]

only the lonely

The main thing that seems so different going through this battle with depression is I am […]