Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Pattern and creativity Are the two poles of action. It is wise to plan each day. […]


When young, things are soft. When old, things are brittle. Stretching — both literally and metaphorically […]

Boxer on Social Security

U.S. SENATOR BARBARA BOXER | Newsroom We should not forget that Social Security is not just […]

On Walking

On Walking On Walking by Bill Bunting How shall I best interpret Tao? How will I […]

Tao in Conflict Resolution

Win Without Fighting, (June 1998) An article with many good points on resolving conflict: First, to […]

Solar Chimney in Australia – Very cool.

Alternative Energy Blog – Alternate-Energy.org: Site Agreed for Australian Solar Tower, Plans for Solar Tower in […]


Heaven and hell; Our subconscious. Meditation opens seldom glimpsed areas of our subconscious. When that happens, […]

How to lift the world out of poverty

Grameen-Banking for the poor These good people are doing it.


Distant ridges, far away clouds All events come from a distance. With a high vantage point, […]