
Heaven and hell;
Our subconscious.

Meditation opens seldom glimpsed areas of our subconscious. When that happens, extraordinary thoughts and awareness come to us with seeming spontaneity. We realize truths that were opaque to us before; we perceive events that were previously too distant. But no one ever became superhuman because of meditation. They only opened their own latent potential. Everything is locked inside of us and need only be opened. That is why it is said that heaven is within us.

In the same way, the pains and the struggles of the past sometimes haunt us with astounding vehemence. Problems and conflicts are difficult to exorcise. Although we may practice spirituality and move on to new endeavors and relationships, past hurts still come back in our memories and dreams. These are not demons from another world, nor are they karmic manifestations of previous lives; they are scars in our subconscious. No matter how diligently we try to make progress, there still are pains that curse us day after day. This is why it is said that hell is within us.

We ourselves are the battleground for good and evil. There is no need to look beyond our world. Everything to be understood is within us. All that must be transcended — the pains and scars of the past — is within us. All the power of transcendence is also within us. Tap into it and you tap into the divine itself.
Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao

I am always somewhat bemused by the people who expect their reward (or punishment) after they leave this life. The reward of living well is here in life. Whatever punishments there are in life, we either do to ourselves or have inflicted on us by others. I don’t think there is any actual heaven or hell beyond this — this is just the way people use to trick themselves or others into behaving, and not always successfully, of course.

But I do think there is a spirit. I don’t know (and neither does anyone else) if it continues beyond this life or not. But I know that when I am living in harmony, I feel well, things go well, and life is better for myself and others. When I slip out of that harmony, things can go badly, sometimes very badly.

I think most Americans are no longer in harmony with the world around them. Those that have too much are selfish, those who do not have enough become resentful. The tensions this creates are building more every day. We see it in the battle now over social security – why do the rich resent offering people the chance to live well enough when they are retired or disabled? Why do they not want to pay their fair share towards providing for the general welfare? They have made their wealth off the labor of others, whether they realize this or not. The least they can do is give back to the country that educates their workers, provides for their roads and highways, and serves their needs. These same people will sneer at the waitstaff who waits their tables, stiff their maids and cleaning people, and pay wages that are too low to make a decent living.

America can no longer afford to be selfish. It is affecting our subconcious. You see it in the anxiety and tension, the fear of terrorism, the scorn with which we treat other nations. You see it in the way people become angry at others who live different lifestyles from their own, in the divide between those who cannot share, and those who know we all must share.

Heaven and hell are here on earth. And we choose which to live in, and which we force others to live in. It is our choices that make the difference.


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