Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Jonathan Schell, Welcome to Camp Quagmire

Well worth a read : TomDispatch – Tomgram: Jonathan Schell, Welcome to Camp Quagmire “Most important, […]


Mystic, Alan Taylor All mystical traditions are one. They are the seed of all religions. Tao. […]

Exit Strategies….

If I can figure out how to get out of this press conference….


Dragon, Beth Norton Tiles of carnelian, lapis, and jade, The muralist sets his picture One centimeter […]


The Romans of the Decadence, Thomas Couture Powdered concubine dressed in rich silks — Feet bound, […]


The Great Wall,1998, by Limin Jiang Huang Be self-sufficient but not isolated. When the king of […]


Shunyam Thul (Peter F. Schaden) Chopsticks made from bamboo — Too poor to afford silverware. Tender […]

Makin' Hay while the sun shines…

You are one of life’s enjoyers, determined to get the most you can out of your […]

Bush Urges China to Grant More Freedoms

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Bush Urges China to Grant More Freedoms President Bush prodded […]