Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Human Rights Day

Read this article if you are unfamiliar with the wonders of Smithfield. After I read it, […]


Not my asshat neighbor’s trees, but I didn’t get time to get a picutre of them […]

The sum of all fears: organized religion

Golden Compass trailer here. Looks amazing. Box set of the trilogy here. These books were one […]

Contagion of the Heart

Woke up with this phrase in my head this morning from my fuzzy dreams. After yesterday’s […]

Rudy is the perfect Republican candidate

Just the perfect example of Republican hypocrisy….. How can the party that impeached Clinton for a […]

Never Rains in Southern California

But today, it does!!!! We’re getting rain!! Yay!!!! Of course I just had all the carpets […]

Turn and Face the Strange

No One Really Wants Change | The Agonist If we know that change is constant and […]

Child materialism linked to self-esteem

Child materialism? I would say all materialism is linked to low self esteem. It seems like […]

Constellation of The Heart

The Heart and Soul Nebulae. © CalTech/Palomar Constellation of The Heart – Kate Bush songs lyrics […]

Skeleton Woman

Spiritual Emergency: Skeleton Woman [The Life/Death/Life Nature] She had done something of which her father disapproved, […]