Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Walking for Donna…

Went out and walked a precinct today for Donna Frye, for the July 26th special election […]

It's Not Right…

I think the Dems have to start fighting Republican issues with this phrase. The Republicans have […]

This is what happens when you grew up in the 70s….

Revisionist You scored 100% Gender-Abolitionist, 100% Sexually Liberal, and 60 % Socialist You are the Revisionist […]

Iraq Coalition Casualties

1702 Shit. 06/12/05 AP: Eight from 48th Brigade injured in mortar attack A mortar attack injured […]


Homer’s view of a flat Earth in 900BC Do you know Where you are On your […]

t r u t h o u t – John Cory | We Love Howard Dean

The Bush GOP is a Wal-Mart of five-and-dime ethics, self-enriching corporate sponsored war, imitation morality made […]


There are three levels of truth: Experience, reasoning, and knowing. All others assertions should be rejected. […]


Superstition | Comet of the Moon(Hale-Bopp) above the American desert, photographed by William R. Dellings The […]


From DailyTao.org: Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife […]