It's Not Right…

I think the Dems have to start fighting Republican issues with this phrase. The Republicans have prided themselves on being “on the right” — it’s time to fight that image. Dems can’t be “left” anymore – they have to become the party that is right.

So my idea is that Dems always use the phrase “It’s not right” when talking about problems created by the Republican party and their hypocrisy. It’s not right that Cunningham takes what are basically bribes from someone whose company benefits from his House committee. It’s not right that Republicans try to intervene in the personal case of a brain-dead woman and her husband. It’s not right that Republicans refuse to give John Conyers an appropriate forum to hold his meeting on the Downing Street memo. Etc, etc…

It also sets any issue up perfectly for the turnaround to the Dem position. It’s not right that people should be worried about being able to survive in their retirement years — that’s why Dems support Social Security as it is, without benefits cuts or gambling money in personal accounts (isn’t that what IRAs are for, anyway?). In fact, let’s make it stronger by adding national healthcare, so that people of all ages in America can live without fear of being impoverished by disability or not being able to afford care for their families….

The current Republican leadership is taking America down a dark path by not offering a national healthcare program and promoting energy conservation – the economy is going to hell, with record debt at all levels of government, personal debt, and corporate debt. They say “deficits don’t matter”, but I think it’s just their excuse to steal as much as they can from the rest of us, while they can. It’s not right.

Republicans – they’re not right.


3 Responses

  1. Not half a brain, just half a heart. The lack of compassion for others is stunning. It is not understanding that the world will not continue to pay so the rich can play….

  2. It’s sad and it’s frightening. Half a heart is right. And, the belief that deficits don’t matter is just unbelievably short-sighted and stupid.

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