How scientists can communicate better

Being a bit too much of an intellectual type myself, I sometimes have trouble communicating, so I appreciated these suggestions. I was into acting and singing in high school and college, and I think it did do an awful lot to make me a more well-rounded person and learn to communicate better with other people. These suggestions by Randy Olson, director of the movie, Flock of Dodos, are pretty good and worth a read if you’re interested in better communication about science, or any other topic that can be difficult for others to understand.

The Loom: A blog about life, past and future

6) Understanding – intellectuals are handicapped as mass communicators. I had this line in my film, but took it out because it sounded too insulting. But its true. Mass audiences do not follow people who think, they follow people who act. Intellectuals are trained to think, not act. Its one of their charming traits, but it’s also a handicap. Try taking an acting class and you’ll get to know about this intimately. And it’s not that you necessarily need to do something about this right now, it’s just that you need to start developing some awareness of it. Cost of this Suggestion (to consider the consequences of being too intellectual) to you: $0


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