
Moon, Harriet Hunter

The moon shines at midday.
The master blesses the people.

Humility is good, but sometimes it is inappropriate. Self-cultivation in private is good, but sometimes it is also inappropriate. Why? Because if one never comes out to help others and show that it is possible to be spiritual in modern times, then people will lose faith. When people go to hear a spiritual master, they do not go to hear self-deprecation. They go to see perfection.

In the past the masters would come down from the mountains to let people see them. By going among the people, they reaffirmed the validity of spirituality. By walking among the masses, they inspired others to undertake self-cultivation. By helping those whom they encountered, they directly touched the lives of others. Self-cultivation and concentration on the divine is fine, but there are times when one should remember one’s fellow beings.

When one shines forth, it is like the moon at midday — an event so bright that what is normally hidden outshines even the brightest light. That is what it is like when the masters walk among the people. By their presence, they illuminate and gladden all who come their way.

Deng Ming Tao, 365 Tao

that life in its most beautiful
form may emerge as the radiance
of the rising sun

by Allan Houser
Originally commissioned by the Sundance Institute for the edication of the Rehearsal Hall on September 28, 1985. A Series of Commissioned Essays

Hear our invocation, He Who Lives Unseen,
He who grants us the Breath of Life,
Have compassion on us,
And grant us your sacred Purpose of Life
That Life in its most beautiful form may emerge
as the radiance of the rising sun.
As the radiance of the sun,
Let Life spread out over the face of the land.
Let there be Life.
Let all living things experience the fullness of Life unto old age.
So be it.

Hisnen Kahdai-matahk kah-tu-kah,
Itah-muy hikw-sit maki-tahka,
Itah-muy tunaht-yai ahkw ohkwa-tuok,
Sus-lol-ma katsi tala-hoi-ni.
Taa-wat yamahk-tokat ahn talaow-ngwai ahkw
Tuu-wa-kal-mohk pu-hik mani.
Kasti yeseow-ni
Wu-yo mik katsi navohkya-wintiw-ni.
Pai ovi yan-ta-ni.

Sus-lol-ma Katsi Tala-hoi-ni

by Allan Houser

“May all the radiance unify and increase in magnitude. ”
— Yajur Veda

“We have magnificent brains, but we use a great deal of our brilliance to keep ourselves stuck and ignorant, to keep ourselves from not shining. We are so afraid of our beauty and radiance and brilliance because it scared the adults around us when we were children.” — Patricia Sun

“People should not worry as much about what they do but rather about what they are. If they and their ways are good, then their deeds are radiant. If you are righteous, then what you do will also be righteous. We should not think that holiness is based on what we do but rather on what we are, for it is not our works which sanctify us but we who sanctify our works.” — Meister Eckhart

“Virtue could see to do what Virtue would
By her own radiant light, though sun and moon
Were in the flat sea sunk.”
— John Milton

We don’t often think of ourselves as Masters, but we do walk in the world. When you are out in the world, are you cheerful and kind to the people you meet, or are you so tied up in your own problems that you are barely polite to others? We can all strive to be more radiant to those we meet, to do kind things for people.

I was waiting patiently in a parking lot the other day for some older people to get in their car so that I could get to mine. i had just gotten some candy in the store that I was sampling, so I had a couple of extra pieces at hand. The older woman noticed me waiting, and apologized for being slow. I told her there was no need to apologize, that someday I would be where they were in life. She said “Oh, I hope not, since they were not in good health. I smiled and said, “Oh, but you’re the lucky ones to make it this far!” and handed her husband the candies while he getting into his side of the car. The older woman laughed and said “I guess you’re right.”

It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day. A smile for the person waiting on you or checking out your groceries, a kind word to someone who needs one, a bit of consideration for those who are older or less well off than you are. We can all be more radiant in the world, less stuck on ourselves and our own problems and concerns.


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