
Sun shines in the center of the sky.
All things turn their faces toward the light.

All things in this life depend on direction. In our world, all is oriented toward the sun : The planets revolve around it, the seasons depend upon it, and our very concept of night and day is tied to the sun’s rising and setting. The sun is the dominant element in our lives.

In all other areas of our actions, we cannot avoid making arrangements that have a center or orientation. Our lives require composition, just as the solar system has a relationship and structure. Yet all structure and orientation is essentially arbitrary. We take the sun as the center of our world because of our vantage point. To someone standing in another galaxy, our sun is nothing more than another point in limitless space. There is no absolute standard by which to truly call something the center. Therefore, all arrangements and all compositions, all determinations of a dominant element are relative, subjective, and provisional.

There is no center except for that in our own consciousness. When we look at the sun and the arrangement of the planets, we must also include ourselves as observers. How else is there the determination of what is being seen? Consciousness is part of the phenomenon. We are the center, and there is no absolute measure.

Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao

I wish I could do a bit more sun worship here lately. The May gray seems to have set in early, leaving us with cloudy gray days until almost evening, then glorious late afternoon sun for all of fifteen minutes. My tomato plants are NOT happy.

Ah well, I’m sure come late July and August I’ll be missing these days. But it makes it hard for me to get going in my day. I find I don’t have a lot of energy until midday or so when the sun is not bright in the morning.

It’s funny how many people seem to call you selfish for recognizing that your own conciousness IS the center of your personal universe. But how could it be otherwise. It doesn’t mean you aren’t aware of other people and the fact that their conciousness is the center of their personal universe, though. It means you understand that how you think about things is important. Some people want thier god to be the center of everything, and are quite convinced this is the case. Some people don’t want to recognize that our little planet is at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, and our little sun is but one of billions of stars in that galaxy, and that galaxy is but one of billions of others itself.

Well, we are all a bit trapped by being in our own little heads, unfortunately. Recognizing that isn’t selfish. Believing your view of things is better than anyone else’s view is, though. Been there, done that, gave it up. So now I am truly selfish, and let everyone have their own opinions and screw up there own lives. So there. ;^)


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