Spiritual Awareness

Group work must include spiritual awareness if it is to touch the existential anxiety of our times. Without awe, the awful remains unspoken; a diffuse malaise remains.

Be willing to speak of traditional religion, no matter how offended some group members may be. Overcome the bias against the word God. The great force of our spiritual roots lies in tradition, like it or not.

The wise leader models spiritual behavior and lives in harmony with spiritual values. There is a way of knowing, higher than reason; there is a self, greater than egocentricity.

The leader demonstrates the power of selflessness and the unity of all creation.


Tao of Leadership

Hmm. I agree with spirituality and think it is important. What I object to is imposing one’s spirituality on others. I don’t think offending people in a group is a very good idea. But I wouldn’t want to offend people by denyign them their spirituality either. Perhaps for me it is about letting people believe what they believe, and express it without imposing it upon others.

I think it is the same in our world situation. When America was an example for others of freedom and democracy, that made it strong. But trying to impose it on others, or at least, trying to take over other countries in the name of some supposed freedom, makes us an object of scorn and derision. We must live by our values, not impose some corrupt idea of them on others.

Whether the Bush family and its cadres are after the oil wealth, or just power mad, I think they have sown the seeds of their own destruction. The world will not look kindly on their efforts to impose their will. And we as a country will now have to pay the price along with them. This will not end well.


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