
Kai. Open. The word depicts the two leaves of a door, with two hands taking away the bar. In learning, we should remove whatever bars the way.

There is no curse on humanity. There is no original sin. There is no bad karma from previous transgressions. There is no spiritual wisdom forbidden to people. The true spiritual downfall occurs only when people ignorantly and willfully close themselves to spiritual wisdom.

Those who put up walls and a gate and shut themselves away soon find that they have become ingrown and fearful of the world. Disease and stagnation heap up, and no good fortune comes their way. It is only when the doors of a home are open that clean air flows in, guests come to visit, and the melodious sounds of bird song float in.

A person’s mind is like a great house. Those who keep their minds closed cut themselves off from the life-giving vitality of Tao. Conversely, those who want Tao open themselves to it and so find an influx of great energy.

The two leaves of each person’s door are ignorance and selfishness. The ignorant think they know everything, and so they are not open to anything new. The selfish cannot think beyond themselves, and so they do not have the farsighted qualities needed to understand Tao. The wise open their doors wide and let the vitality of Tao flow freely.

Deng Ming Dao, Everyday Tao


OK, so I got up and opened my doors. And yes, it’s a gorgeous day outside, and now the breeze is blowing through the house, I hear the birds outside and the soft chimes of my wind chimes. Ah, that’s better.

So what doors do you need to open today? Are you choosing to remain ignorant, believing you know what is best already for you and for others? Are you being selfish and not seeing other people’s needs?

I was selfish for a long time, mostly saw my side of things and not other people’s. But I’ve long ago paid the price for that, and now I’m a lot more open to what others need and want. I know eventually, my own needs will be fulfilled.

I’ve tried pretty hard in my life to never be ignorant — willfull stupidity is just about the only thing that can still really piss me off. That’s why I’m so annoyed with the Republicans this year (oops, sorry, some politics seeped into my Tao!) But Tao is teaching me to accept what is happening and to know that this too will pass. Eventually their extremism will become their failure. They are definitely ingrown and fearful of the world, behind their gates and police protection.

I’ve certainly felt more energy in my life since I’ve started studying Tao. Drinking green tea helps with that too, I think. But I’m finding a lot more inner stillness, being able more and more to just be quiet and listen to what is going on around me. And now and then I find others who are in tune with life, and seeing the sparkle in their eyes and the laughter in their voice, and experiencing the joy of our conversations is so sweet. We share this wonderful secret, which is no secret at all. Such a beautiful joke Tao is.


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