Quick note on comments and postings

I do moderate all commenters making a first-time comment, for spam and for politeness. After that, your comments should be posted automatically, and if not, you can send me a note to let me know so it doesn’t get caught in Akismet’s spam filter. I try to check through all spam comments to make sure, but don’t always catch them.

Sometimes I do delete comments or posts if they are too obnoxious or hostile. People referring to me or other commenters as “bimbo” or other derogatory terms will be banned. Occasionally I remove a post if the wingers have become particularly obnoxious. It’s sad that people can’t discuss things politely, but politeness was never the right-wing forte. For the record, I’m registered libertarian, so calling me a liberal derogatory something or other is likely to get someone banned, too (unless I think it’s funny). My regular commenters can, of course, say whatever they please, since I like them a lot. ;^)

Hey, it’s my place, and always my choices. I try to be interesting, sometimes provocative, sometimes spiritual or inspiring when I can, but mostly, to get people to think for themselves and not just blast me with something some idiot on the radio told them. You know what I mean….


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