WHat Hoff says

Indeed. Gee, two oil men got in office and oil company profits all skyrocketed over the last eight years. What a surprise. And some idiots will still vote Republican…..

Hoffmania!: Simple Enough for a Non-Hoosier or a Non-Tarheel

Since the gas-tax holiday has become the cornerstone of McCain’s and Clinton’s campaigns (Clinton is flooding the airwaves with it), let’s break it down to this extremely easy-to-fathom progression of events. Please feel free to pass it along to your friends who will be voting Tuesday.

Gas drops 18c a gallon (from the tax, not oil company profit).
People drive more.
People buy more gas.
Oil companies win.

Demand goes up.
Supplies go down.
Oil companies raise prices.
Oil companies win.

Summer ends.
Gas goes back up 18c a gallon.
People still have to drive to work.
Oil companies win.

Oh, and all summer long, American bridge and road maintenance crews will be unemployed.

If that’s what you want, vote for McCain or Clinton.


2 Responses

  1. This is it in a nutshell. Why do most Americans not see the solutions and why do we allow such pandering from our politicians. When the idea of saving $30 for the summer hit the streets we should have laughed, tarred and feathered the politicians who dont look for long tern consequences only toward thrie next term. Someone once said” you can never underestimate the stupidity of the American People.

  2. I have said in my blog that I do not believe gasoline is overpriced, and I do not believe that the government has any particular role in its price. It does not seem to have dawned on anyone that the era of cheap hydrocarbon energy is over. A simple solution is available for everyone: use less. Slow down, drive energy-effecient vehicles, get rid of all gas-burning toys (boats, RVs, motorcycles, lawn tractors, etc.).


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