Those who seek mentoring, will rule the great expanse under heaven.
Those who boast that they are greater than others, will fall short.
Those who are willing to learn from others, become greater.
Those who are ego-involved, will be humbled and made small, –Shu Ching
The passing of the throne by the sovereign to a virtuous and competent successor was known in early democratic Chinese history as “Shan Jang”. Literally it means, “the enlightened stepping aside to create room in the center for the next deserving person to step in and take charge”.
— Chungliang Al Huang and Jerry Lynch, Tao Mentoring
I need to do some stepping aside and am finding it a bit difficult today. It’s not easy to pass along a tradition that has been yours to someone else, but I’m finding it necessary.
On the plus side, I won’t have to clean up after the New Year’s Eve party…
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