
Or actually, ocular hypertension.

Hey, welcome to your 50th year on earth…

Oh well, at least I will have pretty eyelashes. I’m so thrilled.

OR perhaps I’ll try some alternative medicine.


5 Responses

  1. OR perhaps I’ll try some alternative medicine.

    Oh, yeah, I forgot there is an upside to this disease. 😉

    And I’m guessing you are not as freaked out now as when you first heard the diagnosis? Funny, how fast the mind can adjust. Take care, sweetie.

  2. Actually, I was sort of expecting it. As soon as I read the article about the eyelash effect, and thought about how skimpy my eyelashes have always been, I wondered if I would end up using that drug.

    I had been using a lower-strength drug for ocular hypertension already, but he wasn’t ready to call it glaucoma yet. The vision change in the vision field test was disturbing enough to kick in using the higher-strength stuff though.

  3. Heh. It’s not that bad, really! Hopefully the eyedrops will keep anything too terrible from happening. I’ve already had cataract surgery on both eyes, and actually see better than I ever did.

    So now I get pretty eyelashes, too – big deal! ;^)

  4. You might want to speak with this doctor in San Diego. I used him when I lived there. He only gives out the recomendation.

    For a hook up you need to go to the twiggs coffee meetings or call: After Hours Collective San Diego & OC Deliveries (949) 903-3876. Hours 24/7 daily.

    Or you can visit me in Tucson.

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