Wide Stance Much?

Oh. My. God.

Too funny….

Daily Kos: The GOP’s new “wide-stance” logo

And yes, this is real, not an extremely clever photoshop job, and truly encapsulates what the Republican Party is all about.

Wide stance? Check.

In Minneapolis? Check.

Prison stripe-wearing? Check.

Starry eyed? Check.

As for the elephant humping the “2008”…

Are they going for a “Still screwing the country in 2008” theme, or is it a reference to hypocritical adulterers like David Vitter and just about the entire Republican presidential field?

All of the above? Check!

Apparently they ran out of space for a collapsing bridge.


8 Responses

  1. That logo is…ridiculous. But what strikes me more is that Kos has been lying down with the dogs too much, and must be starting to feel a little itchy. The bridge comment is the work of an insensitive pig, period; yes, two months *is* too soon. And wow, Minneapolis is somehow its own acerbic comment. Have a flat tire there once, Kos? Feh.

  2. Yes, I’m aware of it; I don’t live in a box. It has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

    “Apparently they ran out of space for a collapsing bridge.” is what I’m talking about. Who*ever* wrote it, they chose to highlight it in the blog entry – that was an editorial decision the writer of the entry was responsible for. I consider the remark profoundly tasteless no matter whose it was originally. Then again, I have friends and loved ones in the Twin Cities, so the place matters to me more than just as a cheap political jab. I get that I’m in the minority on that, too.

  3. I think the point was more that the Republicans are directly responsible for the political shenanigans that led to both the bridge being poorly built in the first place and for its collapse. I’m not sure what’s tasteless about pointing that out, unless you mean it’s just too close to when the event happened.

    As an engineer, I’m pretty aware of how things are built and why they fail. In this case, the failures were more cutting corners financially than anything else. The bridge should never have been built as it was, should certainly have been reinforced, and definitely should NOT have been added on to! And I believe those who made those decisions should be held criminally liable for making them. But they won’t be.

    Republicans continuously promote the financial wealth of the rich over public needs and safety. I don’t think it’s a cheap political jab to point that out – I think it is simply a sad fact.

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