Happy Birthday, Darwin!

My actual reason for celebrating today – his first treat – peanut butter!

More to come as the celebration continues, but right now we’re off to our friends’ Fourth of July party.

OK, here’s Darwin with his birthday present – a ball with a liver-flavored screw through it and washers made of liver that screw onto the ends! Cool, huh?

It’s called the ever-lasting fun ball with ever-locking treats. Kinda reminded me of the happy fun ball from SNL.

He’s still working on it – an hour and a half later!

DO NOT TAUNT happy fun ball!


The chewie parts lasted for three and a half hours – right up to fireworks time. Darwin is a mess from slobbering all over himself while eating the treat. Fireworks don’t seem to be bothering Darwin at all, although we aren’t very close to them. Chance went out to bark at the other dogs who are barking, and Roxie has growled a bit. Friends of ours have lost a dog when it was upset by fireworks and escaped their yard and was run over, so I’m glad ours aren’t too upset.


Darwin harfed up his breakfast this morning (the 5th) – with a cute little worm in it.

So all the dogs got to get deworming medication today. Yeah, they were thrilled, too.


5 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday, Darwin! Funny, it’s our dog’s birthday today too – Bodhi is 12 today, he gets his special American flag scarf and a beer, his favorite is Guinness.
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. No beer for Darwin – he’s not 21 in dog years yet! It’s just his first birthday, so he’s like 7 or something.

  3. Happy B-day Darwin! You look marvelous for 7 years old!
    (Donna – I’m still laughing about the SNL happy fun ball utube video.)

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