The niyamas are the fundamental practices that sustain a life based on love. They sustain the change….
Purity, contentment, zeal in practice, self-study, and devotion are habits that keep us from spiritual harm and sustain us in our faith as we live in this world. — Rolf Gates, Meditations from the Mat
In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Niyamas are the second limb of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga.
They are found in the Sadhana Pada Verse 32 as:
1. Shaucha: this word means purity.
2. Santosha: contentment.
3. Tapas: austerity.
4. Svadhyaya: self-study or study of spiritual scriptures.
5. Ishvarapranidhana: self-surrender.
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