Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance

Today we’re starting the Finding Water group – a group of artists and bloggers reading and going through the journey of Julia Cameron’s “Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance”. The group website is here, if you would like to join in. Much thanks to Jessie and Leah for setting this up and leading us through. I did “Artist Way” with Leah’s group last year, and it was a really great experience. I was a bit reluctant to do another Artist’s Way group, but in this bit of serendipity, I found this post today on Time Goes By, and it really spoke to me. The whole post is well worth a read. It is about two brothers still doing art in their 80s, and doing their first art exhibit together. Talk about perseverance!

Time Goes By – What it’s really like to get older

Toward the end of our conversation, I asked Jens, who is approaching 90, if it had become more difficult to work as he got older. He looked at me with bemused puzzlement.

Jenswork “More difficult? Yes, in this sense: It becomes more difficult each day to stay and finish my breakfast before rushing into my studio to work. I have more ideas than ever, they become more exciting each day, and my wife insists that I finish my breakfast before I start working. So, yes, it becomes more difficult.” His wife, standing next to us, confirmed this, with a loving smile.

He then added, “If you’re not doing this for the pure joy of doing it, then there is no reason to do it. You should find something else to do.” I then understood the smiles, the twinkle in the eyes, the warm welcome. They were not interested in the fame or the fortune, they didn’t need the recognition. They were true creators. They had never lost the excitement that they had felt as children when squishing paint between their fingers and smearing it all over that big sheet of paper. They were painting for the sheer joy of it, and by the looks of things, they may go on doing it for another 140 years.


8 Responses

  1. donna, i’m so glad you’ll be joining in!! and thank you for the link, wow, those brothers are so inspiring! i loved the joy in their faces, their attitude, everything. and how perfect for week one’s theme of optimism!!

  2. I love this idea! I need to remind myself of this sometimes, that it’s about the act of creating, not about money, etc., and that this is true in all aspects of my life, not just art…

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog–I brightened the color up a bit, so if you get the chance to get back and take a look, let me know if it helps. My college roommate said the same thing to me–that she had trouble reading it!

    I’ll be back to read more of your entries–I love the quote about the circle…

  3. I am reading Finding Water too.

    I never thought I could be this happy. I know I wouldn’t be if I was still at my job in retail. Now I stay at home with my children and create and connect every day. I just can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning. Although a series of circumstances led to this moment, the changes I have experienced really happened in my mind.

    I wish for you to find your joy!
    Happy New Year!

  4. That is cute. I sometimes think about retirement, and having adult children. I think I am going to be the happiest old lady out there man, give me free time to paint, read, draw, knit, and indulge all my hobbies and I’ll be smiling all day long everyday. Even if my back aches, and I have white hair.

  5. donna, yes, it was great to read about those 2 artist brothers! maybe being danish helps?

    wait till krista, previous commenter, discovers that retirement is not “cute.” we have a good time–cause we have good health care, comfortable lives, but there is little to smile about all day long with permanent war going on. thank goodness for little grandchildren–and having given up worrying about hair color a very long time ago. yours, naomi in 7th decade

  6. Just curious if this group is still going on. I started Finding water by the hand of God and am still working through it and was wondering how others are doing with it.

  7. Hi Iris,

    Well, the group ended some time ago, and I don’t know of any other groups starting right now. Please feel free to email me if you have questions, though.

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