Purple Rain!

Prince and his big, um, guitar…

Prince! At the Super Bowl! Doing Purple Rain!


Best. Halftime Show. EVHAR!!!!!


4 Responses

  1. well, i didn’t watch the super bowl. but nobody told me PRINCE was gonna be there!! :)-

    i get to send you a book for create a connection. sheeesh! now the hard part–i have to decide which one! when you get a chance, email me your address and i’ll get it off to you in the mail asap! 🙂

    i used to have a crush on prince. well, i think i still do. you make me want to play his purple rain album. heehee! 🙂

  2. Prince was the highlight of an otherwise sloppy, boring grind of a game. I was surprised he did so many covers, but man he owned that stadium in a way that neither team ever managed to pull off. I liked one Slate writer’s take on Purple Rain in the rain–“a rock god moment.” Definitely.

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