All I Ask

All I ask
Is to live each moment
Free from the last
Take the road forgotten
Don’t leave me here
Oh, please let me stray
Far from familiar things

All I ask
Is to live each moment
All I ask
Is to live each moment
Free from the last

Strange roads
Going nowhere
Going nowhere in particular

All I ask
Is to live each moment
All I ask
Is to live each moment
Free from the last
Free from the last
All I ask

— Crowded House


4 Responses

  1. Donna,
    I really could relate to your comment on CaC’s Dialog Day. I think there is a BIG difference in wanting to be part of a group…and enjoying that experience and making other’s outside the group uncomfortable and feel like they don’t belong. I have experienced feeling left out and it sucks!
    Hope you always feel welcome at CaC!

  2. Oh, Melba.

    If you read through my blog you would know exclusion was the story of my life… my fears of abandonment used to be *huge*, and led me to a complete breakdown at one point after a bipolar manic episode.

    Thankfully I am beyond all that, and offer hope to anyone that there is oh so much more on the other side. I am connected to everything now, through Tao, and to everyone, whether they know it or not. ;^)

    The best part is, I no longer have to care who likes me or who doesn’t. I enjoyed Holli’s post – but her fears shown through so much. I don’t have those fears anmore – and it gives me the freedom to say whatever I like.

    I don’t fear exclusion any longer –

    “I drew a circle that took him in”..

    He drew a circle that shut me out–
    Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
    But Love and I had the wit to win:
    We drew a circle that took him in!

    “Outwitted” by Edwin Markham (complete poem)

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