

Why is it some days I just have nothing to say?


Actually, I have tons of things I could say. I’m just tired, getting over the last of a cold, stressed out from the amusing destruction of raising a puppy, and sick of dealing with my son being out of school – at least he goes back Monday. And our Resident Idiot is going to speak tonight, telling us why we need to send yet more kids to die in Iraq. Yeah, sure we do. Why anyone listens to the Resident Idiot is beyond even me. I have stacks of books here trying to explain it, and I still don’t understand how so many American voters could be so stupid. I saw through Bush and company in a heartbeat, why couldn’t they? Are we just that deluded as a people that we really think we’ll continue to get away with driving huge SUVs, living in huge houses and burning all the oil we please, even while the snow doesn’t happen in the Northeast and the ice caps melt? When will we wake up? When the crops fail due to drought or floods?

Like I said, sigh. There’s too much to say, and not enough. It will never be enough.

UPDATE after reading Dumbya’s speech:

Meet the new plan… same as the old plan….

What exactly was supposed to be new here, other than sending more kids to die? Or rather, letting them get less rest and training between tours of duty so they’re more likely to die?

This is insane.


8 Responses

  1. One of the blessings I continually count, after moving to the UK 2 years ago, is that I don’t hear the resdent idiot as much on radio/television.

    And now, tonight, he’s going to suggest something that goes agains his previously announced “master plan.” Change is good, eh W?

  2. Hello, fellow Bloghuh’er*

    I was just about to say you meant “amusing distraction, then remembered what puppies do best…

    * may have just made that word up?

  3. Meet the new plan, same as no plan.
    The administration refers constantly to “winning” and “success” in Iraq. There is, in my opinion, nothing to win, and so there can be no victory or success. The war was a dumb (no that’s too mild) a horrendously bad idea. It has bled so much of our national treasure (life and money–not that they are in the same category), that we will take decades to recover.

    I believe that with a fraction of the cost we could have secured our borders, including inspecting every human and bit of cargo entering the country. I did not say, and do not mean, closing our borders.

  4. Yes, with a puppy, it’s definitely destruction…. although he is also a distraction.

    And yes, gerry, the war was a horrendously bad idea. We will pay a huge price for it, economically, politically, and socially, as well as in lives.

  5. Donna, I feel and share your pain. I don’t understand how our fellow citizens can be so stupid. They voted for the man twice. Twice! I sometimes think it is because he gives simple answers to complex questions. Questions people don’t want to face because are afraid of the real answers. They want someone who will tell them their world is safe and that nothing will ever change that, even in the middle of the great changes going on in our country and the world. It’s head in the sand time and hopefully people will wake-up before it is to late.

  6. My hope is that all of us who share this opinion will do something constructive about it. We all complain that Dubya is an idiot and that we oppose him — and indeed we do! But, that complaining is no longer enough. We voted in a different Congress this past November. Let’s let them know what we think of this new “plan”.

    (And, fwiw, I almost NEVER listen to his speeches, and I didn’t listen to this one; I have a weak stomach)

  7. complaining does nothing

    let’s come up with an alternative …. without one we are wasting our time … do we really think the new Congress will change things that much ??? I doubt it

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