First lines

Meme via The Silent K – the first sentence of the first post of each month of the past year. So here are mine:

January 2006: Another fresh new year is here . . .

February 2006: Those of you who have seen these will know what my morning is like…. at least I won’t be reading much today!

March 2006: You can’t hear it, but this ash tree in my backyard is full of bees.

April 2006: OMG! Ponies!

May 2006: Deborah Lippmann, A friend of mine from high school has started her own line of nail care products after years of being a “manicurist to the stars”.

June 2006: This is why I read Stirling Newberry – he gets it. Both where we are, and where we could have been.

July 2006: Being young is easy – Aging creatively is an art form…

August 2006: I was a child in the 60s, too. Mostly I was really pissed off that I missed all the fun of being a hippie and going to Woodstock….

September: Just got the JC Penney fall style catalog.

October: “So you think we are already at a dictatorship,” I asked.

November : Once they were young, beautiful and handsome, my parents.

December : “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” — Henry Louis Mencken


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