Christmastime is Here!

Christmas came early for me. Or, three years late, considering how long I’ve wanted a puppy!

Here he is, at last, my new little guy – a very creamy colored golden retriever, born on the fourth of July. We brought him home today from Desert Goldens in Palm Desert. He was the last of his litter mates to go home. We just took to each other right away – he’s very calm and relaxed like my first golden, Chance, while the pups from the next litter down were pretty rowdy. There were also new babies available, but with me, it always seems to be the one that needs a home the most that takes my heart. I don’t really mind if he’s not so tiny, he’s still a puppy! Still working on a name, so I’m open to suggestions.

Possibilities so far:

Dustin: German – A proud warrior. This male dog won’t back down.
So far he’s not at all responsive to this name.

Daxter (after the Playstation character): He seemed to like this name this morning, came when called and seemed excited.

Darwin: Thought of this today (Sunday) while he was out exploring the yard. He seems to like it.

Now we’re tie-tie, so we’re going to bed.


7 Responses

  1. Smoo is saying “St. Nick” or “Santa”. I immediately went looking for names that mean something with gold, and got these:
    Aurek [Polish – with golden hair]
    Aurelio [Latin – gold]
    Boyd [Gaelic – yellow gold]
    Dior [French – gold]
    Hemal [Indian – goldish]
    Hemang [Indian – members of gold]
    Hemendra [Indian – golden master]
    Jin [Chinese – gold]
    Kanak [Indian – something gold]
    Kin [Japanese – gold]
    Nakul [Indian – golden mammal, pandava royal]
    Oro [Spanish – from gold]
    Orv [American English – golden place]
    Orville [American English – golden place]
    Sovann [Cambodian – like gold]
    He also looks a bit like cappuccino froth, so how about “Froth”. Smoo liked his buttery look, so suggests “Popcorn”, “Redenbacher”(sp), “Butters”, “Parkay”, “Oleo”… The other thing I thought of was that while his color is mostly uniform all over his body, it looks like his tail was dipped in paint at the tip, so you could name him after famous painters: Picasso, Warhol, Basquiat, Pollack, Van Gogh…

    If choosing between the two you came up with, though, Smoo and I both like Dustin.

    Congratulations on your new babydog! We can’t wait to meet him!

  2. Thanks, Kristin and Elaine! We’re enjoying him so far – except for the usual bouts of puppy “mistakes”!

    Thanks for the name suggestions, Kristin – nothing has really settled in yet, so I’m still working on naming. The naming of critters is always interesting and challenging!

  3. I would wait til he’s older – Greg was pretty afraid of dogs until he was about eight. We didn’t get Chance until Greg was about 10.

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