America – now with only 30% stupid!

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Zogby International

The national job approval rating of President Bush has plummeted to 30%, an all–time low in the latest Zogby International telephone poll, sinking below the 31% approval rating he dropped to in early June.

The President’s positive job rating is down from 36% in late October, in the weeks heading into the congressional midterm elections. Since then, the Democrats swept to control of both houses of Congress, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld resigned and was replaced by Robert Gates, who said the U.S. is not winning the war in Iraq. Release of the Iraq Study Group’s report calling for significant change in the way the U.S. is conducting the Iraq war came as this latest Zogby poll was in the field.


2 Responses

  1. The ISG signals that it can only get worse. Daddy’s friends have cut Dubya loose, set him adrift, suggesting that he is on his own. That would mean that the MSM is going to turn on him next. Thirty percent will probably look pretty good by the time the everyone else is done villifying him. My guess is that he and Cheney, perhaps a few others will serve as sacraficial lambs. And then things will blow over. I hope, however, that we get nearer the source of the problem.

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