Tag, I'm it!

OK, to be clear, I don’t do these things. Really. And I’m only doing this one because I’m in a good mood and I am ready for light fare after this election, and I love Maya’s Granny who tagged me. I finally feel like I don’t have to obsess over the sorry state of our country. So here we go with the Movie Meme.


1. Popcorn or candy?
Or? Why or? I like to get popcorn and some junior mints. Mmmm….

2. Name a movie you’ve been meaning to see forever.
Can’t think of any. If I want to see it, I usually do. Now books, there’s stacks of ’em here on my window seat I’ve been meaning to get to…

3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: Who loses theirs and to whom?Reese Witherspoon. Gag me.
It goes to Glenn Close, a great actress nominated 5 times but never won.

4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. Which will it be?

One of those gorgeous kimonos from Memoir of a Geisha. I actually have a kimono pattern, but I haven’t gotten around to making one. I saw some beauties in San Francisco at an antiques shop once, now wish I had bought one.

5. Your favorite film franchise is…
The Lord of the Rings was the best ever – just the way I remembered the books being. I was all, “how the heck did he get in my head and steal those images”, but then Tolkein was an amazing writer, and the story is so vivid I think we all get the same images from reading it.

6. Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why’d you invite them? What do you feed them?
Sean Connery, because well, yum. Kevin Kline, well, same reason and he’s funny. Johnny Depp, if he wore his pirate outfit. Hilary Swank, cause I wanna learn to be as brave as she is. Renée Zellweger cause she’s so funny.

Feed them? They’re rich, they can bring the food or call their caterer.

7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater?
To be locked in a room with the crying babies and people with colds coughing and the idiots who talk through the movie.

8. Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens. Mystique from X-Men. Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. The Bride from Kill Bill. Mace from Strange Days.
I’d go with the bride from Kill Bill. I’d like to learn that kind of sword fighting. But just for fun, of course.

9. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen in a movie?
The shower scene from Psycho, of course. Isn’t everyone afraid of shower curtains? And those evil little dolls with the teeth, whatever they were from. Those scared me as a kid. And the pink elephants from Dumbo. I used to have nightmares about them as a kid.

10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) is?
Probably science fiction/fantasy, then historical. But anything with good character development and interesting plot and writing can intrigue me.

11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power?
I’d probably look for sleeper hits that could be inexpensively filmed. Things with great plot twists and characters and good, strong writing. Then hire unknowns to be in them and a really good director.

12. Bonnie or Clyde?
Eh. Who cares?

13: Who are you tagging to answer this survey:
Nobody. like I said, I hate these things. But anyone can feel free to pick it up if they like.


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